Friday, July 22, 2011

Amazing music heard in a dream?

I had a vivid dream last night and I remember some of the details which I will describe. In the dream, I was in some sort of competition that took place in this parallel universe where it was like old times, but in the future ( like star wars for example ). It was a huge circular stadium type place that was greyish/blueish/metallic and the spectators and the guy running the competition were dressed like Romans. In fact, now that I think about it, it resembled the stadium in Rome where the gladiators fought in the past. The contestants were large group teams, with like 30-40 people each, except I was in my own team by myself. We were each standing on our own platforms in the center of the colosseum and the part of the competition I remember included a question and answer section. We were asked some sort of philosophical/social question, which I do not remember exactly, but it had something to do with which form of society was best, one where everyone was tolerated (different religions, beliefs etc) or one where everyone was the same and forced to live according to the same universal format etc. The question was something about which one was correct or functional. I remember answering that the only one that will work was the freedom/respect/tolerance one, and a few other teams also answered similarity, but most, ablest like 70% of the teams there answered that the totalitarian/everyone forced to be the same/ system was optimal. The host, who was standing on his own tall platform, then told us that the correct answer was the free society, and then he swooped in and tackled all the teams that answered incorrectly, stating something like "if you don't know this basic tenant, then you don't deserve to run a society" or something like that (it was much more epic, I just don't remember the quote), and the teams he tackled fell when the platforms they were standing on opened underneath them, and I guess they were out of the game. Then my platform, and the few teams that answered started rising in their platforms and this awesome music started playing. It has some deep strings and synth strings, and the lyrics were a phrase in another language repeating over the music. I don't remember the phrase anymore, but I did when I first awoken but I fell asleep again. It was something like "mum ba ka" and a lady and choir were singing it. It was intense, scary and sublime all in one. I have had SEVERAL dreams where I hear the most amazing music that doesn't exist in real life. Has anyone else heard amazing original music in a dream?

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