Sunday, July 17, 2011

Hunger Games Question?

i completely agree with you and am wondering on all the smae questions. there are so many holes in this book, and so many questions to ask like the ones you did. it actually frustrated me so much that after i read the first chapter i was mad that no one else saw all these holes, and they were praising the book. even though it is good. also, why doent anyone try to run away from the districts. i know they are scared of the animals and the law but i feel like starving ppl would try anythign to get food or live a better life. and why would the capitol go through all that trouble to make the games in the fisrt palce. everyone knows they are bad if they're letting ppl live like they do in the seam. why spend unneccessary cash and time to film the hunger games when ppl already find you at threat. ppl say its so they scare them so bad that they dont protest. but i feel like in reality they would protest anyway. who wouldnt protest children being taken away to fight eachother. so many questions

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